James Gollinveaux

Viking Group

Wednesday, April 10
10:30am to 12:00pm

Leadership in the Fire Sprinkler Industry

Explore a 41-year journey in the Fire Sprinkler Industry, delving into the evolving landscape of leadership transition. Uncover the future leaders: who they are, why they stand out, and the credentials defining their path. Gain insights into the success factors shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

James E. Golinveaux, President/CEO of Viking Group, Inc., boasts 42 years in the fire protection industry. Holding numerous International Patents in Automatic Sprinkler Technologies, he served as the Chair of the NFPA Standards Council and sits on the ANSI Executive Standards Council. With a rich background, he was a member of the Board of Trustees for the Fire Protection Research Foundation and contributed to multiple Boards and Councils, including the Factory Mutual Advisory Committee, AFSA, NFSA, and the International Fire Sprinkler Association. James has shared his expertise in Fire Suppression Technologies through lectures in 43 countries.