Have you ever Considered Forming a Chapter of the Canadian Fire Safety Association?
With the subscription of over 250 Student Chapter members, our Chapters strengthen and enforce our mission to “To disseminate fire and life safety information and create a fire safe environment in Canada”
The Board of Directors of CFSA encourages the formation of local chapters to:
- compliment the National Objectives,
- provide a link between the National Association and the members across Canada,
- provide a local forum for the exchange of ideas, material and information as well as opportunities for social and professional networking,
- coordinate local activities and organize members for National events,
- provide local input on National issues,
- recruit members for CFSA.
For more information on the Chapters or if you would like to form a new chapter of the Canadian Fire Safety Association, please E-Mail us at or call the CFSA head office at: 416-492-9417
Seneca College Chapter
Under Construction