This forum will attract over 130 attendees from across Canada made up of architects, engineers, fire officials, property managers, building code officials, fire protection consultants, manufacturers, government and academia.

Program at a Glance
7:15 am - 8:00 am
Registration and Breakfast
Anthony Rago, President
Canadian Fire Safety Association
8:00 am - 8:05 am
CFSA President's Opening / 50th Anniversary
Anthony Rago is the current President of the Canadian Fire Safety Association (CFSA) and a Team Lead for the Jensen Hughes’ East Canada Subregion. Anthony has over 16 years of building / fire code consulting and fire sprinkler system & fire alarm system design experience. As a Team Lead in East Canada, Anthony is responsible for managing the Jensen Hughes operations throughout the GTA. In addition to his Team Lead role Anthony is the Strategic Account Manager for Nordstrom projects throughout Canada and the USA. He is member of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), Southern Ontario Chapter.
Fire Chief Andrew Jason Zvanitajs, B.A., A-EMCAs
Vaughan Fire & Rescue Services
8:05 am - 8:20 am
Welcome Address
Andrew Zvanitajs is currently the Fire Chief for the Vaughan Fire & Rescue Service. He joined the fire service in 1996 after working as a paramedic in Ontario and overseas. He has previously served as the Deputy Chief of Operations, Administration, and Support Services. He comes from the Operations division where he served as an Officer and he has 26 years of fire service experience, all with the City of Vaughan.
He has completed a BA in History from McMaster in (1996), has a Paramedic diploma from Algonquin College (1994), a Queen’s University Diploma in Mental Health Leadership (2016), as well as a certificate in Business Leadership from Western University’s Ivey Business School.
Moderated by: Anthony Rago, Jensen Hughes Consulting Canada
8:20 am – 9:45 am
Keynote: A New Era in Fire Code Compliance, Maintenance, and Enforcement
The Fire Code is complex and ever evolving. As technology evolves and life safety systems become more complex, building and fire codes need to change along with them to make buildings safer. This session will discuss this evolution and some of the recent code changes which mark a major milestone in building safety right from the commissioning stage. Hear real life, practical examples of anomalies of systems working and commissioned independently but failing to work in an integrated manner in emergency situations and how recent code changes address these anomalies.
The session will be rounded out by an interactive Q&A panel including a Fire Code Consultant, an engineer, and an acting Fire Prevention Officer, to engage the audience with a variety of perspectives on this new era of the Fire Code.
Moderated by: Scott Pugsley, Seneca College
Michele Farley, President
Michele Farley is the President and Senior Fire Code Consultant at FCS Fire Consulting Services Ltd, which recently became the first ULC Listed Integrated Testing Service Provider. Michele has extensive experience with evaluating and conducting life safety risk assessments of buildings for more than twenty-five years. She has extensive experience with the technical evaluation, design and operation of fire alarm and related life safety systems. Michele has prepared and successfully presented alternative compliance measures to the Building Code Commission (BCC), Fire Safety Commission (FSC) and Building Material Evaluation Commission (BMEC).
She works as an expert in Fire Code directly or on behalf of clients providing evaluations, fire code auditing and affidavit services. Michele is a former member of the National Research Council Task Group for Use and Egress, former Chair of the Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada CAN/ULC-S572 Standard for “Photoluminescent and Self-Luminous Exit Signs and Path Marking Systems”. She is the current chair of the ULC-S590, installation use of Exit Signs and Path Marking Systems and current SC5 chair of five National Standards.
Tom Marchese, P.Eng
With over 20 years of project management experience in the areas of:
- Business Process Development and Implementation
- Contract Negotiation
- Product Development
- Construction Projects
I have seen why projects can fail even WITH a qualified project manager. My pragmatic approach to Project Management Leadership is a proven formula to project success. I can apply practical project management leadership techniques and be able to put them to work immediately.
- Leverage every resource available to you — staff, time, money, information and more!
- Learn how to empower project teams to complete projects on time, on budget, and with the desired results!
- Recognize and avoid common planning pitfalls and mistakes that cause many project managers to stumble.
- Build a highly effective project team with the talent, skill, and motivation to carry your project to completion successfully.
Tom graduated from University of Waterloo, with a BASc., Mechanical Engineering in 1996, and obtained a PMP designation with the Project Management Institute in 2008.
David Maiato, Fire Prevention Officer
Brampton Fire & Emergency Services
David has been working in the fire protection industry for 11 years and has been in the industry for a total of 14 years. His career in fire protection started with completing the three-year Seneca Fire Protection Engineering Program in 2011. After graduation he entered the work force with Onyx-Fire Protection where he obtained his Canadian Fire Alarm Association Certification. In 2014 David transitioned into his first Fire Prevention Officer role with Toronto Fire Services and shortly after, moved to Brampton Fire & Emergency Services in 2016.

9:45 am – 10:15 am
Chief Gwen Lewis
Ottawa Fire Services
10:15 am – 11:00 am
Proposals for Fire Hose Removal Division
This presentation will discuss Ottawa Fire Services process with proposing the removal of existing fire hoses in a building. Key areas of focus will include review of the applicable requirements of the 2007 Ontario Fire Code, as amended, the impact on the building Owner, the impact on first responders, and what statistical data is publicly available to support this proposal.
Moderated by: Peter Hallinan, SSi Fire
Chief Gwen Lewis started her career in the Communications Division, and was promoted to Fire Prevention Officer in 2006. During her 10 years as a Fire Prevention Officer, she was an on-call investigator, and an enforcement officer which allowed her to develop a strong passion for Public Education. Promoted to Assistant Division Chief of Public Education, she then created several new education programs for Newcomers to Canada; After the Fire, and a Building Owners education program which is supported by social media. As Division Chief of Fire Prevention, she oversees all aspects of Investigation, Enforcement and Education in the Nation’s Capital.
Captain Brent Brooks
Toronto Fire Services; High-rise Unit
11:00 am – 11:45 am
Tactical Benefits of Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems in High-rise Buildings
Your building life safety systems keep your occupants safe, but they are also lifesaving tools for Firefighters - and they need to work. Firefighters across Canada expect all building life safety features to be tested, maintained, and working when they arrive. Failure to maintain these numerous life safety systems in buildings can cause injuries to both occupants...... and responding firefighters. During High-Rise fires, both your Fire Safety Plan and your tested and working systems provide lifesaving benefits and a tactical edge to arriving firefighters. This session will share numerous lessons learned identified during the fire response of high-rise buildings, that will provide positive impacts to high-rise fire preplanning, prevention, and response.
Moderated by: Peter Hallinan, SSi Fire
Captain Brent Brooks is an international speaker and hands on instructor. He teaches HighRise Tactics and large diameter hose movements. Brent is currently a Captain with Toronto Fire Services, specializing and assigned to the high-rise unit, developing IMS, training and RND for High-Rise Operations.
His 28-year career with firefighting started at Pearson Airport, with continuing duties at (De Havilland) and Bombardier Aero Space Crash Fire Rescue teams. Brent’s experience includes serving on numerous committees all related to High Rise Firefighting. He continues to travel the world attending conferences, symposiums, and hands on training. He has spoken on complex building systems, help run the 2019, 2020 Canadian HighRise conference, Started the HighRise Round Table in Toronto, hosted the Toronto & Montreal HighRise Summit and is a member of the Council of Tall Buildings based out of Chicago. He also represents Canada as a member of the T70 Tall Building Safety Committee based out of London England. Brent shares information with Fire Departments from all over the world and has developed a network with subject matter experts related to High Rise Firefighting. Brent has spoke at Firex, Tall Building Conference in London England and “Makin’ The Stretch” Conference Colonial Park, PA. Brent continues his education by attend four firefighting conferences yearly and never misses HROC in the USA. Brent presents to numerous Fire Departments. He is a proud retired member of the Canadian Armed Forces.
11:45 am – 1:00 pm
CFSA Awards Announcements (12:35pm – 1:00pm)
Jack Keays, P.Eng.
Vortex Fire Consulting Inc
1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
Encapsulated Mass Timber Construction Workshop
On July 1, 2022, the OBC was amended to allow for construction Encapsulated Mass Timber Construction. This new type of construction will allow mass timber residential and business and personal service buildings of up to 12 storeys in building height. This presentation will focus on the OBC changes and considerations for designers and building officials.
Moderated by: Alex Yarmoluk, Arencon
Jack Keays is an accomplished fire safety engineer and building code consultant with 15 years project experience in Canada, Singapore, and Middle East. Since starting Vortex Fire, Jack has overseen the growth of the company and has been the principal building code consultant for many of the tall mass timber buildings in Canada including the 77 Wade Avenue, T3 Bayside (11 Storey) on Queens Quay, and T3 Sterling Road.
John McBeth
Director, Training, Certification and Public Education
Office of the Fire Marshal
1:45 pm – 2:30 pm
Update from the Office of the Ontario Fire Marshal
Moderated by: Allena Goodyear, LRI
John McBeth has over 21 years of experience with the Ministry of the Solicitor General. As Director of Training, Certification and Public Education, he is responsible for overseeing the development and delivery of fire protection public and stakeholder education programs and campaigns. He also directs and oversees the development of effective province-wide training and education programs and evaluation systems for persons involved in the provision of fire protection services by developing standards, guidelines, criteria, and mechanisms for ensuring academic excellence.
Prior to joining the Office of the Fire Marshal, John served as the Senior Manager and Registrar of Ontario’s Death Investigation Oversight Council where he provided oversight to Ontario’s coronial and forensic pathology services.
John has extensive leadership, communications, project management, executive office and policy experience and expertise. He has also served as the Assistant Director and Manager, Issues Management and Media Relations with the Ministry of the Solicitor General in addition to his role as Executive Advisor to the Deputy Minister.
2:30 pm – 2:50 pm
Jean-Nicholas Bader, P.Eng., TAPI
Quebec, Branch Manager
LRI Engineering Inc.
2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Protection Requirements and System Application for Invaluable/Irreplaceable Collections
The presentation will cover an overview on the application of Building and Fire Codes in Canada and the types of special extinguishing systems that are commonly employed for the protection of invaluable and irreplaceable collections of artefacts, art and other museums and galleries.
Moderated by: Allena Goodyear, LRI
Jean-Nicholas Bader is the Quebec Branch Manager with LRI Engineering Inc. He is a graduate of Polytechnique Montréal with a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering and a certificate in Advanced Fire Prevention Technology. He is a registered member of the “Quebec Order of Engineers” (OIQ) and a Director at Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) St. Laurent chapter. As a fire protection engineer, Mr. Bader has experience in the field of fire sprinkler systems design and in code and specification compliance. He is engaged by engineers, architects, interior designers, and other design professionals. His experience spans assembly, institutional, residential, and commercial sectors.
Parker MacNeil, P.Eng.
Jensen Hughes
3:35 pm – 4:20 pm
Dust Hazard Analysis and Awareness
The presentation will provide an introduction to combustible dust hazards in industrial facilities and will describe the dust hazard analysis process. The presentation will provide a general overview of the following:
- Significant loss history events
- Primary and secondary explosion hazards
- Dust hazard mitigation
- Dust explosibility testing
Moderated by: Alexander Yarmoluk, Arencon
Parker MacNeil is a Staff Engineer with Jensen Hughes Consulting Canada and is a graduate of Dalhousie University with a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. He has over five years experience in process safety consulting and specializes in conducting dust hazard analyses, hazardous area classifications, and explosion protection system design reviews. Parker has extensive experience in performing combustible dust explosibility testing to characterize material flammability and explosibility hazards. He is a member of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers and the ASTM technical committee responsible for combustible dust testing standards.
Anthony Rago, President
Canadian Fire Safety Association
4:20 pm – 4:30 pm
Closing and Grand Prize Draw