President’s Message

It’s hard to believe that the first quarter of 2025 is coming to an end in the next few weeks. It feels like we were just wrapping up our holidays! As quickly as time is moving, the CFSA Board of Directors is already planning for the rest of 2025. While our committees may have taken some time off to relax over the holidays, they are now back and ready to serve our members.

The Public Education Committee hit the ground running in 2025 with the first Technical Session of the year taking place on February 26, 2025. This session was delivered virtually and was well attended. In addition to the February session, the committee has identified three more sessions for this year. The topics are Electromagnetic Locking Devices, Fire Pumps, and ASRS Fire Protection. The exact dates for these sessions have not yet been finalized, so keep an eye on our social media or website for updates.

After taking 2024 to reset, the Newsletter Committee is back to issuing CFSA News. The committee underwent significant turnover, but I am happy to share that we are now back on track—and since you’re reading this message, that means CFSA News is officially back! We acknowledge that we did not meet our members’ expectations in 2024, and we are committed to fulfilling our obligations. All Corporate Plus and Corporate members will be included in all 2025 CFSA News editions. To ensure we meet our goals, the committee has already set the release dates for upcoming editions. Keep an eye on your email or check our website for updates.

Planning for the rebranded Canadian Fire Safety Conference and Expo (CFSC&E) and our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is well underway. The program and speaker schedule were finalized and issued in February. At the time of writing this message, the tradeshow has only limited availability—there are only three sponsorship options with a booth on the tradeshow floor still available. While sponsorships may sell out, don’t miss your chance to participate in this great event in person!

On the AGM front, CFSA has decided to reduce our carbon footprint and go paperless. For this year’s AGM, all documents will be housed on the CFSA website in the Boardroom section. As a reminder, if you cannot attend, don’t let your vote go to waste—please fill out your proxy forms and submit them to CFSA.

I look forward to seeing you all at one of CFSA’s future events. If you have any questions, please reach out to me at either or
Warm Regards,

Anthony Rago
CFSA President

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